

The do’s and don’ts in making telemarketing sales

To succeed in telemarketing, you should do more than calling a customer and...

Outsourcing your back office support services

Back office support is the part of a company’s operations that are not directly...

Benefits of Outsourcing Email Customer Service for Your Business

Email support outsourcing refers to delegating email support services to...

What is telesales?

The most basic definition of the term “telesales” is “the act of selling a...

Remote team challenges and how to deal with them

Remote work is a working arrangement that allows the company’s employees to work...

How much is a data entry personnel’s hourly rate?

A data entry work is basically putting or encoding information from one platform...

Top 10 remote team tools for your offshore team

Remote team collaboration for the first time usually needs great adjustments,...

What your company can do to promote remote teamwork

Boosting a remote team’s teamwork makes the transition easier. Let’s face it:...

How do you prepare for data entry tests: a quick guide

Data entry, whether offline or online, is more than an entry-level job. It...